BATMAN (day 1 of 100)


Day 1 off 100. Today is the first day.

I watched Batman last night and truth be told I thought the movie was just okay. I mean it had all the elements of a typical action flick:

1. stunts/ special effects

2. subplot/ twists in story

3. good-looking hero/ villain

4. explosions and vehicle chase

5. high kill count

The movie was just too darn long. In some places I found myself getting bored. (Sorry Batman lovers) I am a Batman lover myself; my sister even has a cat named Batman. But it just did not measure up to all the hype surrounding it. I could not understand what the masked villain was saying  some of the time because the nozzle around his mouth distorted his speech. Did anybody else have this problem?

Don’t get me wrong, there were many things about the movie that I enjoyed (I won’t spoil the movie for anyone who has not seen it yet) but the little bits of humor sprinkled in here and there were great. I kind of liked the story about the child in jail (don’t want to give too much away) and the twist at the end that surrounded that story.

To give the movie some credit, maybe I should have watched parts 1 and 2 before going to the movies but I pretty much remembered the other 2 previous movies once I was in the theater.

Have you seen Batman? What do you think?

It’s a CRYING shame that James Holmes decided to do what he did. Here is an article stating that he  is now claiming amnesia. Another incident ( I forget where this took place) somebody brought fireworks and set them off in the theater (Batman was playing). I am happy to announce that the movie theater was both firework and shooter free. I am not making light of this situation, it is really sad and my heart goes out to all the families hurt by Holmes’ actions.

When I think of batman, I think of Heath Ledger and the awesome role he played as the joker. I was expecting something on that kind of level. Maybe my expectations were too high?


About LZapata

mystery is better
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3 Responses to BATMAN (day 1 of 100)

  1. Luke says:

    i thought this new one was even better than the last one with the Joker. I never felt bored during this movie.

  2. Mr. B says:

    I wonder how much the shooting at Aurora affected the outlook/interest of viewers who watched the Dark Knight Rises. It would be interesting researching those who saw it at midnight/people who were unaware of the shooting compared to those who saw it after the shooting. Could the shooting have affected viewers?

    In my opinion, ideally one has to see a movie without much expectation (good or bad, hype or otherwise) and see how it goes to decide if it’s great or horrible after it happens. While it’s great to have high expectations (as well as human nature), sometimes those expectations get too high and people get to the point of never being satisfied and start to knit pick every little thing. Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected and things that aren’t expected to be great or not expected at all can turn out to be the best things to ever happen just as things highly expected to be great turn out to be awful and really bad. I didn’t think Ted and 21 Jump Street movie would be that good, but they turned out to be lots better than I thought they were and I thought Avengers would be great, but not as great as I thought it would be. I think sometimes, people always try to compare everything to everything and that people tend to miss out on lots as well as one movie is not the same as other movies and each movie has it’s own uniqueness and vibe, even in a trilogy. As Bruce Lee said “The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement, you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat”. I saw this at midnight in the premier as I wanted firsthand to see the movie without the distractions of other Facebook comments, opinions, reviews, blogs etc. Views can be easily influenced by other views, especially in the Facebook/twitter/social media generation. While there is nothing wrong with expectations, comparisons, social media ravings etc., sometimes it can get too far and blurr things and people tend to bitch for the sake of bitching, or overhyping for the sake of overhyping, etc.

    Personally, I loved that movie. Yes, there were flaws (and I see how people didn’t like it as much as I did. to each his/her own) but overall I felt it was a great movie and a great ending to the trilogy. In many ways, it was a combination of the first 2 of Nolan’s batman trilogy. I liked the way they showed Bruce/Batman’s human side in this whole trilogy, especially in the last movie as well as the acting of the other characters like Hathaway. I think this movie is one that is best viewed a bunch of times, and perhaps you can watch all 3 and see how it all goes together. As for Bane’s voice, it was interesting that the voice sounded high and funny while Bane was vicious and wouldn’t blink at killing in a second (similar to the Joker’s voice in the Dark Knight). I did like his voice more than Batman’s whisper voice, though Batman’s voice is great when he starts to scream and become emotional when he punches.

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